More examples coming soon
Light Scalar Mediator, Single Phonons, Solid He
This can be run from a Jupyter notebook or as a python script
import numpy as np
from darkmagic import Calculator, MaterialParameters, PhononMaterial, Numerics
from darkmagic.benchmark_models import light_scalar_mediator
# Masses in eV and times of day in hours (to calculate the earth's velocity)
masses = np.logspace(4, 10, 96)
times = [0]
# Phonons in Helium
params = MaterialParameters(N={"e": [2, 2], "n": [2, 2], "p": [2, 2]})
material = PhononMaterial("hcp_He", params, "tests/data/hcp_He_1GPa.phonopy.yaml")
model = light_scalar_mediator
# Numerics
numerics = Numerics(
N_grid=[80, 40, 40], # Spherical grid for momentum transfer
N_DWF_grid=[30, 30, 30], # Monkhorst-Pack grid for Debye-Waller factor
# Create calculator object
full_calc = Calculator("scattering", masses, material, model, numerics, times)
full_calc.evaluate() # Run calculation
full_calc.to_file() # Write HDF5 file (default name is "material.name_model.name.h5")
To run in parallel, simply run with srun -n <nprocs> python script.py
or whatever alternative your system uses, and use full_calc.evaluate(mpi=True)
instead. Note that you need to install the optional mpi
dependency for MPI calculations to work (i.e., pip install darkmagic[mpi]